从教至今,主要从事大数据处理分析、计算机视觉、深度学习和遥感影像智能解译相关研究。目前在国内外期刊累计发表SCI论文8篇,2篇入选ESI前1%高被引论文,第一作者发表中科院1区SCI论文3篇,3区SCI论文1篇。担任山东省大学生软件设计大赛“大数据分析”及“人工智能应用”赛项命题专家及评委,IEEE Sensors Journal、Journal of Applied Remote Sensing、Signal, Image and Video Processing等期刊审稿人,湘潭市雨湖区企业科技特派专家。
Google学术: //scholar.google.co.jp/citations?user=WM5KN1EAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=ao
1. Zhou G, Chen W, Gui Q, et al. Split depth-wise separable graph-convolution network for road extraction in complex environments from high-resolution remote-sensing images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021, 60: 1-15.3.(IF=8.125,中科院1区,CCF B期刊)ESI高被引论文
2. Zhou G, Xu J, Chen W, et al. Deep feature enhancement method for land cover with irregular and sparse spatial distribution features: a case study on open-pit mining[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61: 1-20. (IF=8.125,中科院1区,CCF B期刊)ESI高被引论文
3. Zhou G, Chen W, Qin X, et al. Lithological Unit Classification Based on Geological Knowledge-Guided Deep Learning Framework for Optical Stereo Mapping Satellite Imagery[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61: 1-16. (IF=8.125,中科院1区,CCF B期刊)
4. Zhou G, Wang X, Chen W, et al. Realization and application of geological cloud platform[J]. Big Earth Data, 2020, 4(4): 464-478. (IF=4.0,中科院 3区)
5. Chen W, Zhou G, Liu Z, et al. NIGAN: A framework for mountain road extraction integrating remote sensing road-scene neighborhood probability enhancements and improved conditional generative adversarial network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 1-15. (IF=8.125,中科院1区,CCF B期刊)
1. 小样本学习下融合弱标签信息的矿区地表要素遥感分类,国自然青年项目,2025-2027,在研,主持
2. 基于先验知识和深度模型的采矿区精细分类方法研究,国自然面上项目,2021-2024,在研,参与
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