


发布者: / 发布时间:2021-08-16 / 点击量:


王梦蛟,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,毕业于华南理工大学电子与信息学院,获工学博士学位,湖南省青年骨干教师,2019.9-2020.9澳大利亚西澳大学电气、电子与计算机工程学院访问学者,中国电子学会电路与系统分会混沌与非线性电路专委会委员。主要从事信号处理、非线性电路与系统、神经形态系统、微弱信号检测等相关领域研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、湖南省自然科学基金青年项目1项、湖南省教育厅科研项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金项目3项。在《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Ⅱ-Express Briefs》、《Chaos》、《Chaos Solitons & Fractals》、《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《Circuits Systems and Signal Processing》、《 Measurement Science and Technology》、《物理学报》和《电子与信息学报》等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI/EI检索论文20余篇,授权发明专利3项,登记软件著作权5项。获湖南省自然科学奖三等奖1项,湘潭市自然科学优秀学术论文二、三等奖各1项。所指导的硕士生多次获研究生国家奖学金、湖南省优秀硕士学位论文、湖南省优秀毕业生、伟人之托奖学金等奖励。






1、Wang Mengjiao, An M, Zhang X, et al. Feedback Control-Based Parallel Memristor-Coupled Sine Map and Its Hardware Implementation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023, 70(11): 4251.


2、Wang Mengjiao, Li J, Zhang X, et al. A novel non-autonomous chaotic system with infinite 2-D lattice of attractors and bursting oscillations[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020, 68(3): 1023-1027.


3、Wang Mengjiao, Liao X, Deng Y, et al. Dynamics, synchronization and circuit implementation of a simple fractional-order chaotic system with hidden attractors[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020, 130: 109406.


4、Wang Mengjiao, Peng J, Zhang X, et al. Firing activities analysis of a novel small heterogeneous coupled network through a memristive synapse[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023, 111(16): 15397-15415.


5、Wang Mengjiao, An M, He S, et al. Two-dimensional memristive hyperchaotic maps with different coupling frames and its hardware implementation[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2023, 33(7): 073129.


6、Wang Mengjiao, Li J, Yu S S, et al. A novel 3D non-autonomous system with parametrically excited abundant dynamics and bursting oscillations[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2020, 30(4): 043125.


7、Wang Mengjiao, Li J, Zhang X, et al. Multi-bifurcation cascaded bursting oscillations and mechanism in a novel 3D non-autonomous circuit system with parametric and external excitation[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 105: 3699-3714.


8、Wang Mengjiao, Peng J, He S, et al. Phase Synchronization and Dynamic Behavior of a Novel Small Heterogeneous Coupled Network[J]. Fractal and Fractional, 2023, 7(11): 818.


9、Wang Mengjiao, Ding L. A new fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on phase-space reconstruction and convolutional neural network[J]. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2023, 75(8): 875-882.


10、Wang Mengjiao, Zhou Z, Li Z, et al. An adaptive denoising algorithm for chaotic signals based on improved empirical mode decomposition[J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2019, 38: 2471-2488.


11、Wang Mengjiao, Chen Y, Zhang X, et al. Roller bearing fault diagnosis based on integrated fault feature and SVM[J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2021, 10: 853–862.


12、Wang Mengjiao, Deng Y, Liao X, et al. Dynamics and circuit implementation of a four-wing memristive chaotic system with attractor rotation[J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2019, 111: 149-159.


13、Wang Mengjiao, Liao X H, Deng Y, et al. Bursting, dynamics, and circuit implementation of a new fractional-order chaotic system with coexisting hidden attractors[J]. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 14(7): 071002.


14、Wang Mengjiao, Wang W, Zhang X, et al. A New Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Based on Markov Transition Field and CNN[J]. Entropy, 2022, 24(6): 751.


15、Wang Mengjiao, Wang W, Zeng J, et al. An integrated method based on sparrow search algorithm improved variational mode decomposition and support vector machine for fault diagnosis of rolling bearing[J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2022 ,10: 2893–2904.


16、Wang Mengjiao, Deng B, Peng Y, et al. Hidden dynamics, synchronization, and circuit implementation of a fractional-order memristor-based chaotic system[J]. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2022, 231:3171–3185.


17、Wang Mengjiao, Chen Y, Yu S S, et al. A novel patch-matching 2D denoising method for fault diagnosis of roller bearings[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2020, 31(11): 115018.




19、Wang Mengjiao, Deng B. A Multistable Memristor and Its Application in Fractional-Order Hopfield Neural Network[J]. Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2022, 52(6): 205.



21、王梦蛟, 曾以成, 陈光辉, 贺娟. Chen系统的非共振参数控制[J]. 物理学报, 2011, 60(01): 99-103.




23、Wang Mengjiao, Ding J, Deng B, et al. Coexisting Firing Patterns in an Improved Memristive Hindmarsh–Rose Neuron Model with Multi-Frequency Alternating Current Injection[J]. Micromachines, 2023, 14(12): 2233.



1. 混沌系统隐藏吸引子识别与定位及其忆阻型验证电路系统设计,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2021.01-2024.12,在研。

2. 忆阻型混沌系统的多稳态和簇发现象研究,湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,主持,2020.09–2023.12,在研。

3. 基于改进经验模态分解的混沌信号自适应噪声抑制研究,国家自然科学基金应急管理项目,主持,2018.1-2018.12,已结题。

4. 基于分组协同的振动信号噪声抑制及其在风电机组故障诊断中的应用,湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2019.01-2021.12,已结题。

5. 基于经验模态分解的混沌信号去噪方法研究,湖南省教育厅一般项目,主持,2017.09–2019.12,已结题。

6. 基于数据驱动的图像隐私保护算法安全分析与设计,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与,2018.01-2021.12,已结题。


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